123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202 |
- if ( !isGeneric("orgTime") ) {
- setGeneric("orgTime", function(files, ...)
- standardGeneric("orgTime"))
- }
- #' Handle Input and Output Dates Used for Filtering
- #'
- #' @description
- #' This function lets you define the period to be filtered, the output temporal
- #' resolution, and select the required data from your input 'files'.
- #'
- #' @param files A \code{character}, \code{Date}, or \code{Raster*} object.
- #' Typically MODIS filenames created e.g. from \code{\link{runGdal}} or
- #' \code{\link{runMrt}}, but any other filenames holding date information are
- #' supported as well. If a \code{Raster*} object is supplied, make sure to
- #' adjust 'pos1', 'pos2', and 'format' according to its layer
- #' \code{\link[raster]{names}}.
- #' @param nDays Time interval for output layers. Defaults to \code{"asIn"} that
- #' includes the exact input dates within the period selected using \code{begin}
- #' and \code{end}. Can also be \code{nDays = "1 month"} or \code{"1 week"}, see
- #' \code{\link{seq.Date}} and Examples.
- #' @param begin \code{character}. Output begin date, defaults to the earliest
- #' input dataset.
- #' @param end \code{character}. Output end date, defaults to the latest input
- #' dataset. Note that the exact \code{end} date depends on \code{begin} and
- #' \code{nDays}.
- #' @param pillow \code{integer}. Number of days added to the beginning and end
- #' of a time series.
- #' @param pos1,pos2,format Arguments passed to \code{\link{extractDate}}.
- #'
- #' @return
- #' A \code{list} with the following slots (to be completed):
- #'
- #' \itemize{
- #' \item{\code{$inSeq}}
- #' \item{\code{$outSeq}}
- #' \item{\code{$inDoys}}
- #' \item{\code{$inputLayerDates}}
- #' \item{\code{$outputLayerDates}}
- #' \item{\code{$call}}
- #' }
- #'
- #' @seealso
- #' \code{\link{seq.Date}}.
- #'
- #' @author
- #' Matteo Mattiuzzi, Florian Detsch
- #'
- #' @examples
- #' # Using MODIS files
- #' files <- c("MOD13A2.A2010353.1_km_16_days_composite_day_of_the_year.tif",
- #' "MOD13A2.A2011001.1_km_16_days_composite_day_of_the_year.tif",
- #' "MYD13A2.A2010361.1_km_16_days_composite_day_of_the_year.tif",
- #' "MYD13A2.A2011009.1_km_16_days_composite_day_of_the_year.tif")
- #'
- #' orgTime(files)
- #' orgTime(files,nDays=2,begin="2010350",end="2011015")
- #'
- #' \dontrun{
- #' # Using other files, e.g. from GIMMS (Jul 1981 to Dec 1982)
- #' library(gimms)
- #'
- #' files.v1 <- system.file("extdata/inventory_ecv1.rds", package = "gimms")
- #' files.v1 <- readRDS(files.v1)[1:3]
- #' dates.v1 <- monthlyIndices(files.v1, timestamp = TRUE)
- #'
- #' orgTime(dates.v1)
- #' }
- #'
- #' @export orgTime
- #' @name orgTime
- ################################################################################
- ### function using 'character' input ###########################################
- #' @aliases orgTime,character-method
- #' @rdname orgTime
- setMethod("orgTime",
- signature(files = "character"),
- function(files, nDays = "asIn", begin = NULL, end = NULL, pillow = 75
- , pos1, pos2, format = "%Y%j") {
- files <- basename(files)
- ## if any position indication is missing, try to retrieve it from look-up table
- if (any(missing(pos1), missing(pos2))) {
- ids = positionIndication(files)
- pos1 = ids[[1]]; pos2 = ids[[2]]
- }
- allDates <- sort(extractDate(files,asDate=TRUE,pos1=pos1,pos2=pos2,format=format)$inputLayerDates)
- datLim <- transDate(begin=begin,end=end)
- if (!is.null(begin))
- {
- minOUT <- datLim$begin
- minIN <- minOUT - pillow
- minHAVE <- min(allDates[allDates >= minIN])
- if (nDays=="asIn")
- {
- minIN <- minHAVE
- }
- } else
- {
- minIN <- minOUT <- minHAVE <- min(allDates)
- }
- if (!is.null(end))
- {
- maxOUT <- datLim$end
- maxIN <- maxOUT + pillow
- maxHAVE <- max(allDates[allDates <= maxIN])
- if (nDays=="asIn")
- {
- maxIN <- maxHAVE
- }
- } else
- {
- maxIN <- maxOUT <- maxHAVE <- max(allDates)
- }
- inputLayerDates <- allDates[allDates >= minHAVE & allDates <= maxHAVE]
- inDoys <- as.numeric(format(as.Date(inputLayerDates),"%j"))
- if(FALSE) # currently removed
- {
- if (minIN < minHAVE)
- {
- if (as.numeric(minHAVE - minIN) <= pillow)
- {
- warning("'begin'-date - 'pillow' is earlier by, ",as.numeric(minHAVE - minIN) ," days, than the available input dates!\nPillow at the start of the time serie is reduced to ",pillow - as.numeric(minHAVE - minIN)," days!")
- } else if (minOUT == minHAVE)
- {
- warning("Is is not possible to use the pillow at the begin of the time series since there is no data available before 'begin'-date!")
- }
- }
- if (maxIN > maxHAVE)
- {
- warning("'end'-date + 'pillow' is later by, ",as.numeric(maxIN - max(inputLayerDates)) ," days, than the available input dates!")
- }
- }
- if (nDays=="asIn")
- {
- outputLayerDates <- inputLayerDates[datLim$begin <= inputLayerDates & datLim$end > inputLayerDates]
- } else
- {
- outputLayerDates <- seq(minOUT,maxOUT,by=nDays)
- }
- t0 <- as.numeric(min(outputLayerDates,inputLayerDates)) - 1
- inSeq <- as.numeric(inputLayerDates) - t0
- outSeq <- as.numeric(outputLayerDates) - t0
- return(list(inSeq=inSeq,outSeq=outSeq, inDoys=inDoys, inputLayerDates=inputLayerDates,outputLayerDates=outputLayerDates,call = list(pos1=pos1,pos2=pos2,format=format,asDate=TRUE,nDays=nDays,pillow=pillow)))
- })
- ################################################################################
- ### function using 'Date' input ################################################
- #' @aliases orgTime,Date-method
- #' @rdname orgTime
- setMethod("orgTime",
- signature(files = "Date"),
- function(files,
- nDays = "asIn",
- begin = NULL,
- end = NULL,
- pillow = 75) {
- ## convert 'Date' to 'character'
- files <- as.character(files)
- ## invoke 'character' method
- orgTime(files, nDays, begin, end, pillow, pos1 = 1, pos2 = 10,
- format = "%Y-%m-%d")
- })
- ################################################################################
- ### function using 'Raster*' input #############################################
- #' @aliases orgTime,Raster-method
- #' @rdname orgTime
- setMethod("orgTime",
- signature(files = "Raster"),
- function(files,
- nDays = "asIn",
- begin = NULL,
- end = NULL,
- pillow = 75,
- pos1,
- pos2,
- format = "%Y%j") {
- ## extract layer names
- files <- names(files)
- ## invoke 'character' method
- orgTime(files, nDays, begin, end, pillow, pos1, pos2, format)
- })