1. Package: MODIS
  2. Type: Package
  3. Title: Acquisition and Processing of MODIS Products
  4. Version: 1.1.3
  5. Date: 2018-02-02
  6. URL:
  7. BugReports:
  8. Authors@R: c(
  9. person("Matteo", "Mattiuzzi", role = c("aut")),
  10. person("Jan", "Verbesselt", role = "ctb"),
  11. person("Tomislav", "Hengl", role = "ctb"),
  12. person("Anja", "Klisch", role = "ctb"),
  13. person("Forrest", "Stevens", role = "ctb"),
  14. person("Steven", "Mosher", role = "ctb"),
  15. person("Bradley", "Evans", role = "ctb"),
  16. person("Agustin", "Lobo", role = "ctb"),
  17. person("Koen", "Hufkens", role = "ctb"),
  18. person("Florian", "Detsch", role = c("cre", "aut"), email = "[email protected]"))
  19. Description: Download and processing functionalities for the Moderate Resolution
  20. Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). The package provides automated access to the
  21. global online data archives LP DAAC (<>) and LAADS
  22. (<>) and processing capabilities such
  23. as file conversion, mosaicking, subsetting and time series filtering.
  24. License: MIT + file LICENSE
  25. LazyData: TRUE
  26. Depends:
  27. mapdata,
  28. R (>= 2.10),
  29. raster
  30. Imports:
  31. bitops,
  32. devtools,
  33. grDevices,
  34. graphics,
  35. mapedit,
  36. maps,
  37. maptools,
  38. methods,
  39. parallel,
  40. ptw,
  41. RCurl,
  42. rgdal,
  43. rgeos,
  44. sf,
  45. sp,
  46. stats,
  47. utils,
  48. XML
  49. ByteCompile: TRUE
  50. RoxygenNote: 6.0.1
  51. Suggests: testthat