% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/fileSize.R \name{fileSize} \alias{fileSize} \title{Get Size of File(s)} \usage{ fileSize(file, units = "B") } \arguments{ \item{file}{\code{character} vector of file(s) with path.} \item{units}{\code{character}, defaults to "B". Currently available options are "B", "KB", "MB", "GB" or "TB" for bites, kilo-, mega-, giga- and terabytes.} } \value{ \code{numeric} vector of the same length as \code{file} (in \code{units}). Note that directories are excluded. } \description{ Function for getting size of any files. } \examples{ \dontrun{ fileSize(list.files("./")) } } \author{ Matteo Mattiuzzi }