% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/genTile.R \name{genTile} \alias{genTile} \title{Generate Global Tiling System} \usage{ genTile(tileSize = 1, offset = 0, StartNameFrom = c(0, 0), extent = list(xmin = -180, xmax = 180, ymin = -90, ymax = 90)) } \arguments{ \item{tileSize}{\code{numeric}, size of a single tile in degrees (EPSG:4326).} \item{offset}{\code{numeric}, shifts the tiling system in upper-left direction.} \item{StartNameFrom}{\code{numeric}. \code{c(Lat-Direction,Lon-Direction)} start number in the naming of the tiles.} \item{extent}{\code{list}. Tile system extent information, basically the coverage of the data on server.} } \value{ A \code{matrix}. } \description{ This function generates a matrix with bounding box information for a global tiling system (based on Lat/Lon). } \examples{ # 1x1 degree tiling system e1 <- genTile() head(e1) # 10x10 degree tiling system with offset to be aligned to Geoland2 Dataset e2 <- genTile(tileSize = 10, offset = (1/112) / 2) head(e2) # Tiling system for SRTMv4 data (CGIAR-CSI) e3 <- genTile(tileSize = 5, StartNameFrom = c(1, 1), extent = list(xmin = -180, xmax = 180, ymin = -60,ymax = 60)) head(e3) } \seealso{ \code{\link{getTile}}. } \author{ Matteo Mattiuzzi }