#' Class MODISextent #' #' @description #' An object of class \code{MODISextent}, typically created through #' \code{\link{getTile}}. #' #' @slot tile MODIS tile ID as \code{character}. #' @slot tileH MODIS horizontal tile ID as \code{integer}. #' @slot tileV MODIS vertical tile ID as \code{integer}. #' @slot extent Extent information, see \code{\link{getTile}}. #' @slot system Sensor system as \code{character}. #' @slot target If applicable, a \code{list} with additional target information. #' #' @exportClass MODISextent #' @name MODISextent-class NULL setClassUnion("listORnull", c("list", "NULL")) setClass('MODISextent', slots = c(tile = 'character', tileH = 'integer', tileV = 'integer', extent = 'ANY', system = 'character', target = 'listORnull') )