% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/getSds.R \name{getSds} \alias{getSds} \title{List SDS Layers in an .HDF File} \usage{ getSds(HdfName, SDSstring = NULL, method = "gdal") } \arguments{ \item{HdfName}{\code{character}. (Absolute) filename from which to extract SDS names.} \item{SDSstring}{\code{character}, see Value.} \item{method}{\code{character}, defaults to \code{"gdal"}. Caution: on Windows, the default 'GDAL' installation doesn't support HDF4 files. Install 'FWTools' or use \code{method = "mrt"} instead.} } \value{ A \code{list} or \code{character}. If \code{SDSstring} is provided, the function reports extracted SDS and a formatted SDSsting (e.g., "11101"). If not provided, the SDS names in \code{HdfName} are returned. Consult the MRT manual for details. } \description{ This function lists the names of all scientific datasets (SDS) contained in a specified MODIS grid HDF file. } \examples{ \dontrun{ getSds(HdfName="XXX.hdf") getSds(HdfName="/path/XXX.hdf",method="gdal") # require GDAL (FWTools on Windows) getSds(HdfName="/path/XXX.hdf",method="mrt") # require MRTool } } \author{ Matteo Mattiuzzi }