% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/getCollection.R \name{getCollection} \alias{getCollection} \title{Get Available Collections of MODIS Product(s)} \usage{ getCollection(product, collection = NULL, newest = TRUE, forceCheck = FALSE, as = "character", quiet = TRUE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{product}{\code{character}. MODIS grid product to check for existing collections, see \code{\link{getProduct}}.} \item{collection}{\code{character} or \code{integer}. If provided, the function only checks if the specified collection exists and returns the collection number formatted based on the \code{as} parameter or \code{FALSE} if it doesn't exists. The check is performed on \href{https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/}{LP DAAC} as the exclusive source for several (but by far not all) products.} \item{newest}{\code{logical}. If \code{TRUE} (default), return only the newest collection, else return all available collections.} \item{forceCheck}{\code{logical}, defaults to \code{FALSE}. If \code{TRUE}, connect to the 'LP DAAC' FTP server and get available collections, of which an updated version is permanently stored in \code{MODIS:::combineOptions()$auxPath}.} \item{as}{\code{character}, defaults to \code{'character'} which returns the typical 3-digit collection number (i.e., \code{"005"}). \code{as = 'numeric'} returns the result as \code{numeric} (i.e., \code{5}).} \item{quiet}{\code{logical}, defaults to \code{TRUE}.} \item{...}{Additional arguments passed to \code{MODIS:::combineOptions}.} } \value{ A 3-digit \code{character} or \code{numeric} object (depending on 'as') or, if \code{length(product) > 1}, a \code{list} of such objects with each slot corresponding to the collection available for a certain product. Additionally, a text file in a hidden folder located in \code{getOption("MODIS_localArcPath")} as database for future calls. If 'collection' is provided, only the (formatted) collection (or \code{FALSE} if it could not be found) is returned. } \description{ Checks and retrieves available MODIS collection(s) for a given product. } \examples{ \dontrun{ # update or get collections for MOD11C3 and MYD11C3 getCollection(product="M.D11C3") getCollection(product="M.D11C3",newest=FALSE) getCollection(product="M.D11C3",collection=3) getCollection(product="M.D11C3",collection=41) getCollection(product="M.D11C3",collection="041") getCollection(product="M.D11C3",forceCheck=TRUE) } } \seealso{ \code{\link{getProduct}}. } \author{ Matteo Mattiuzzi, Florian Detsch }