% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/minorFuns.R \name{minorFuns} \alias{minorFuns} \alias{search4map} \title{Minor MODIS Package Functions} \usage{ search4map(pattern = "", database = "worldHires", plot = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{pattern}{Regular expression passed to \code{\link{grep}}.} \item{database}{\code{character}. Defaults to \code{"worldHires"}, see \code{\link{map}} for available options.} \item{plot}{\code{logical}, defaults to \code{FALSE}. If \code{TRUE}, search results are displayed.} } \value{ A \code{list} of length 2. The first entry is the call to create the given map, whereas the second entry represents the names of areas within the search. } \description{ Compendium of minor \strong{MODIS} package-related functions. } \section{Functions}{ \itemize{ \item \code{search4map}: Simplifies search for \strong{mapdata}-based extents }} \examples{ \dontrun{ search4map() search4map(pattern="USA",plot=TRUE) search4map(database="state",plot=TRUE)?map search4map(database="italy",pattern="Bolz",plot=TRUE) search4map(pattern="Sicily",plot=TRUE) } } \seealso{ \code{\link{getTile}}, \code{\link{map}}, \code{\link{grep}}. } \author{ Matteo Mattiuzzi }