Image Features Extraction¶
This package allows the fast extraction and classification of features from a set of images. The resulting table can be used as training set for a machine learning classifier
The package was originally developed to extract measurements of single cell nuclei from microscopy images (see figure above). The package can be used to extract features from any set of images for a variety of applications. Below it is shown a map of Boston used for city density and demographic models.
The image below shows a possible workflow for image feature extraction: two sets of images with different classification labels are used to produce two data sets for training and testing a classifier
The image features extraction package was developed using the document object model architecture shown below
The object ‘Image’ includes the function Voronoi(), which returns the object Voronoi of my package Voronoi_Features. The Voronoi object can be used to measure the voronoi tassels of each image regions. It includes >30 measurements. Below an example of voronoi diagrams from the image shown above
See classes/modules documentation for more details about the use of the package